Monday, February 26, 2007

Live Forever!

I read in The Star today about a man in Hong Kong who is 107 and credits his longevity to celibacy. This guy hasn't had a shag in 70 years. He still smokes though. Wonderful news to smokers everywhere. Tobacco won't kill you just as long as you give up happy happy fun time.

It's quite a statement. Live forever! Just give up sex.

Novel idea it may be but I don't think I'll try it. If I gave up sex I don't think I'd live very long anyway.

I'd kill myself first.

Also in the same paper, a Kiwi fashion designer in trouble for making a baby tee for young girls with the legend "Future Porn Star" on the front. Young being little. Like little kiddie little. For a start it's funny. It'd be funny if I see a picture of a girl wearing this t-shirt in one of those mass sending emails that corporate companies hate their employees getting. It's like the picture of the little boy football fan caught flipping the bird on camera at a football game. I got that picture more than once and I still thought it was funny. Thank-god-that's-not-my-kid funny.

Future porn star. It's funny. It is. I'd buy it for my son. Only if I didn't have to explain what it meant though! Only an idiot dumbfuck of a parent buys a tee that says Future Porn Star for their daughter. That's like telling the world you suck as a mom or dad and that you've already spent her college fund on drugs and alcohol.

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