Time to think
Well, I don't suppose I have any readers left. It's been a while since I was posting regularly. I have a decision to make I suppose. My domain name is up for it's annual payment/renewal and if anyone remembers, I was severely pissed off and downright furious with the company which registered my domain name. Well, I got an email from them and they've skied their prices. It's okay, I hadn't intended to give them any more money (eternalsolutions.com can fuck off), the issues are mainly (i) do I keep my domain name?; and (ii) do I keep blogging?
Oh, I said it a year ago, and I'll say it again. Don't use eternalsolutions. They're fucked up! Click here to last year's post where I bitched about them.
So.... I think I will keep my domain name. Whatever it is, it's mine and the few people who read my blog know the url and if it drops out, they'd think my blog's gone. So yeah. I'll keep it. This time however I will get someone else to hold the domain name for me. I will take Erin's (of erintan.com) advice this time and use interunix this time. I may not be able to import my blog to it (I don't know yet) but it's preferable to paying those con job bastards at eternalsolutions.
I don't really have to analyse why I stopped blogging. The answer is so, so simple. I have someone to talk to and share with at home. There ya go! All in one sentence. I do think however, that I would like to continue blogging. I've always liked writing. And also I did really like having my blog friends and being connected to them. People like Nick, Kevin, Tiong, Bobo, Jen, Brenda, Sew Jin, Abby, Grace, (Feon) Rabbit. I miss (in a cyberspace sort of way) you guys!!!
My mum asked me why I had stopped blogging. And I gave her the one sentence. Also I told her bloggers like me are lonely, pissed off and/or unhappy. We blog to reach out and find other people who can approve and agree of us and our opinions. Failing that, we can always find someone to argue with.
I think it's time I started blogging again. For the simple reason that I enjoy writing. I may not be lonely, pissed off and unhappy anymore but I think I would still like to be heard. Most of all, I would also like to have my blog buddies back.
!!! I saw you come by my blog and I kept my fingers crossed as I clicked on your URL and TADA!!! there's a post! I'm so glad that things are going on so well for you guys. I keep checking back to see if you had more happy stuff to update us about..
Well blogging can be about sharing your happiness too. :)
Many things have happened for me since you've been gone my friend. I hope we can catch up somehow. :)
I know exactly how you feel as I'm in the same situation =) But I'm still trying to keep blogging since I just can't bear to stop writing. Good luck to both of us!
i envy you, seriously.
3 years ago, i had a blog (another one at geocities) but i shut it down because i found a significant other too.
a year later we broke up and i started the current one at blogspot.
blogging, to me is like screaming, "I AM LONELY AND I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO!!"
Hey Hui Sen... :) I'm doing ok though I've lost my love. It's been very trying for me to get on but I'm surviving. :) When are you coming to Singapore again???
Bobo, I'm really sorry to learn that. I know you'll find happiness again but in the meantime, take care okay? I've always thought you were a lovely girl and I hope you find someone you deserve when you're ready.
Raymond, yep! Good luck indeed!
Sewjin mate, I've always enjoyed your blog and I've told you many a time so. You'll be okay dude don't worry about it. Blogging always calls you back!
Hey Buddy, there you are, I seriously thought you gave up blogging. I'm glad to see you're still around :D Don't get lost again now you hear?
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