Friday, January 05, 2007

Things too do before 30. 3 years too late.

Well apparently the following list contains 10 things to do before you hit 30. Well, heck. I'm 32 already. Regardless I am going to dissect the list.

1. Watch a movie in a cinema alone

Heck. I've done this. Even before 20.

2. Bungee Jumping

I haven't done this. I won't do it either unless it can be done in a picturesque natural location. If I die at least the view was good. I'm not jumping off scaffolding with a platform into a swimming pool.

3. Buy your own house / apartment

Well.... Technically, I do own my house. I just didn't pay for it.

4. Adopt a pet

I don't regard fish as pets. That discounts my aquariums. I had a hamster once. One of those mini furry Russian hamsters. Jumpy and nervous things they are. They bite too and don't like to be handled. My days of being a pet owner ended with my briefcase crushing the poor thing to an evenly half centimeter thick hamster after it escaped from its cage. I've not bought another one since. Too traumatised.

5. Visit Europe

This is for bastards with money. I don't have money.

6. Rent old videos and watch it with your girlfriend.

The only reason why I started rented videos was because I got chicken pox. And she got it after me. A lot of videos got rented. A lot of old ones too.

7. Do charity work.

Nope. I can't even look after myself. Donations don't count.

8. Splurge yourself one whole day in Spa

Nah. Not for me.

9. Tell your high school crush of your feelings back then

Done. Before I was 30 too with a good number of years to spare.

10. Cut your hair really short or shave it bald ?

I think I'll forgo the egg head jokes.

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