Your hand! No no! Your HAND!
I was reading Mischique's blog and I had another one of them famous flashbacks.
Flashback #26B532
My very first job was with an IT department in its infancy. Early on I was tasked with my colleague to prepare a room for training purposes. This involved setting up PCs connected to a server. Lots of wiring required. I had a colleague with me. Young, female, Chinese-Malay hybrid. A bit skinny but had a nice rack on that frame.
We were working late and the warehouse had shut down. When we were done the guy that was locking up came upstairs to shut up shop and my colleague and I headed for the stairs. I made it, she didn't. She was right behind me and I had my feet on the top stairs of the staircase. That's when the lights went out.
It was like being in a cave. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face.
She was a bit freaked out cos she knew the stairs were just in front of her but she couldn't see anything. One wrong step and she'd have gone crashing down the stairs and probably taken me with her too. I told her to chill out and to give me her hand which I would put on the banister for her. I reached out, she reached out and somewhere along the way we missed each others' hands while groping about. Grope indeed. I groped around and put my hand square on one of her lovely breasts.
The next few seconds were chaotic.
She screamed. I gasped.
Since I knew where her boob was, I could locate her shoulder, then her arm and eventually her hand. I placed it on the banister for her and thundered down the stairs in the complete darkness.
She came down the stairs at a more sedate pace and nothing more was said, mentioned or hinted.
She did buy me dinner though!
#26B532<-- what does this code says anyway?
It means nothing. I just bash some numbers together. I was 26 at the time. So "26". The subject matter was boobs, so "26B" then i mash the numbers keys.
It's nothing really. It's just to seem like I archive my memories is all.
Hey HuiSen!
I am just is reading my blog connected to your boob grabbing flashback? Hilarious story though! LOL
I had a look. It's your post dated March 24th. "Saved by the bra"
How you been? You went blog AWOL for a little bit. Lovely to see you back in the game. Even if the post was a rant! LOL!
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