Thursday, March 29, 2007

Need a new drug

It's a former lover's birthday today. I sent her a message wishing her a Happy Birthday. She called me almost immediately. I was surprised. It's not like her. Then I found out why. She didn't know who the message was from. Hey it's cool. I haven't seen her for 3 years I don't expect her to still have my number. Not at the rate she loses cell phones anyway.

Later I got an SMS from her thanking me for remembering her birthday. Actually I didn't. It was a friendster reminder but hey, I made it a point to send her a b'day wish. I sent back a message (admittedly a few hours after) which read, "No worries. Hope you had a good birthday."

Which she replies almost immediately. It said, "Huh?"

Either one or the other reason but I remember why it was so hard when we were friends. Her mind's everywhere. Never mind marriage, I should be thankful I never reached the dating stage with her. I didn't mind where we were. She has a body only God himself could have sculpted and skin any female human being or gay man would commit genocide for.

Darling. Lay off the fucking drugs will you?


Deb said...

I've dated a few women who had the attention span of a fly. I feel for you!

Anonymous said...

Wow... must be very difficult for both you and ~deb.

By the way Sen,I'm very suprised! Hehe

Kevin K said...

ouch man, dat has gotta hurt. i know how u feel to, been thru it b4, u should her brain fried or somethin? =(

Anonymous said...

Pups, anyone who can flat out on you for 3 days,this should not come as a surprise, right? Heck, if it was me that got the message, I would have replied, "Wat?! Just an sms? no pressies?" *wink*

Mischique said...

hi! thanks for dropping by my blog. first time reader eh? hehe anyway looks like you did a good job moving on with your life. don't worry, goddesses are everywhere. you can always find another one :)

Sen said...

A few? I feel for YOU, Deb!

Well, it was certainly exasperating at times. I dunno about the fried brain bit but definitely smoked at the least.

If she'd wanted a pressie she should have asked. I don't want to date her, I just want to pork her!

Hullo to you Mischique! Thank YOU for dropping by too. I've posted the flashback that I mentioned in the blog comment I left on your blog.

Thanks everyone for leaving some of your own brain spillage.