A few things have been bugging me lately in relation to this blog. The first is that I hadn't been updating my blog anything like the frequency which I used to. The second is that when I did post new material, it seemed like the brainless space-filler stuff. The third and the one that bugged me the most is that it appears that I've lost my blogger edge and creativity.
Gone. No more. Screwed. Au revoir. Nada. Nothing. Koyak. Auf Wiedersehen baby!
Hasta la vista?
Quite a few times I clicked on 'New Post' and just sat staring at the blank field wondering what to do about it. I absolutely love it when my fingers can't keep up with the output when my mind and feelings are in full flow. As I've said before, written words are my liberation. Recently, after a few minutes staring at the screen, I end up clicking on the little red X in the top right corner to kill the window. I had nothing.
And I have no idea why.
Kinda like now. I'm missing something. I don't know what it is.
Uh.... D-uh....
Let it flow.. let it flow.. let it flow...
Don't hold back.
Don't matter if it's absolute rubbish ~ Sometimes, one person's rubbish is another person's sense!
haha! blogger's block!
hey look, you made a pretty good blog post about not hacving anything to blog about. there you go!
Dude, I have to agree with Jen :)
Besides, I never knew there was so many ways to say 'gone' (Gone. No more. Screwed. Au revoir. Nada. Nothing. Koyak. Auf Wiedersehen baby!
Hasta la vista?)
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