Life on Earth
Stop. This post might upset the sensible.
It is not cheerful.
It is not happy bunny having tea time on the toadstools with the fairies.
It is my dark side speaking today.
Every decade or so the moral police go out on a witch hunt for a specific type of crime or situation. While I can agree with the idea and the intent behind the action, I've also noticed how everything else fades into the background and the one biggest weapon the moral police use is public sympathy, reaction and hysteria.
The most common one now almost always involves children. Save the children! Protect the children! A sure fire way to get heaps of cash fast is to provide statistics on how many children have died, die per day and will have died. Just like when the rest of the world was pouring money into Africa during the famine times which of course were caused by the wars in Africa. A lot of this money ended up being used to purchase more weapons and a lot went into the African bigwigs' pockets. "Here's money! Feed your people!", big countries who were happy they weren't African said. "Tank yoo masa, tank yoo masa!" said the African bigwigs who went away grinning happily to themselves. Quite a few million richer. And please note that they spoke English quite well too.
A definite way to sway public opinion is to use children. Doesn't have to be many, can be just one. A person arrested for a crime against a child is seriously walking a tightrope and long presumed guilty first. Mainly because the general public (spurred on by the media and self appointed champions) want a scapegoat and they want blood. Even in a prison system, prisoners who have committed crimes against children are targeted and shunned by other prisoners. Which makes murdering, raping, assaulting and maiming young adult, adults and the elderly a lot more acceptable I guess.
It's the perception that children don't know any better (lack of situational experience and teaching) and are unable to protect themselves (lack of size and strength obviously, small kids can't stand up to big kids, big kids can't even match up to an adult). That's what it is. And it's for the most part, quite accurate.
Why we react so badly to child crimes is the inborn caveman mammalian instinct to protect and preserve the young ones. That's what love is also. The ability to is not a wonderful human exclusive right but rather a reward based system built into the more intelligent beings to create bonds for the purpose of procreation and to protect the products of procreation. Similarly, procreation itself has its own reward and motivational system of the orgasm.
It's supposed to be a really really simple thing. It takes the highest form of intelligence to pervert such rewards. Admit it, human beings are a pretty fucked up species.
And while we're at it, while researchers are examining animal populations and coming up with the famous predator/prey ratio, human beings are multiplying at an overwhelming rate and straining resources. All that infomercial you see on Nat Geo about the Earth essentially being an island is pretty much true. In a bunch of years to come, we will not have expended nor exhausted Earth's resources, rather we will hit a plateau where the Earth cannot cope with the demands placed on its natural resources. That's when we then exhaust what's left.
In a couple of hundred years (or less), faced with extinction, will there be policies such as euthanasia of disabled or retarded births, regulated procreation or licensed birthing rights subject to genetic approval, be the norm? When such practices will elicit utmost horror at this present time, it may be all that's left to ensure the human race survives. The alternative? Wage war and destroy the smaller nations to lighten the burden on resources. I'm glad that I'll be long gone before the Earth is really in trouble as opposed to the mere bruising it's getting now. Forget the science fiction of colonising other habitable planets. Unless an new all encompasing type of physics is discovered, it's not going to happen. Not to mention we'll have to destroy the colonised planet's sapient beings in order to take it over.
These, in my opinion, are the world's biggest criminals. POLITICIANS, HATE MONGERS, IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTS, and the GULLIBLE. POLITICIANS especially. Necessary evil? Evil being the key word from my point of view.
Back to it, if anyone ever causes harm to my children, I will personally cut off their ears and force feed it to them. In the meantime, all I can do is bring them up to be good people and to educate them on the perils of life. If I protect them and hide the realities of life from them all I can, they will grow up inadequate to the challenges their lives will throw at them.
This is a dark post, I know.... I think I'll go back to pretending everything is alright now.
Thank you for you time. Now forget what you just read.
I'd have to agree with you on this one dude. Dark as it may seem, it's the way of the world! Greed, power and lust are basically the root of the problem!
Only theirs ears? I'd cut off a lot more than ears if anyone ever harmed my kids or any member of my family for that matter ...
Originally it was testicles instead of ears. But that would only cover the male gender. So I changed it. Equal opportunity mate! Got to include women too!
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