Pinch Pinch Pinch
It's been a good time in Singapore. Having been out and with my friends most of my stay so far means I haven't been able to update my blog. I'm back at my sister's place now and now that her internet's back up, I can put something down.
I was reminded of an incident some years back when I was still in Australia. At the post wedding dinner, a friend wasn't very good with crab and would send pieces flying every now and then. It when a piece rebounded off her face that I was reminded of the story. Two things triggered it. One, she's Australian and two, crabs.
Of course this story has nothing to do with her. She's just a memory trigger.
It was when I was living in Australia and had subleased the second bedroom in the apartment out to an Aussie girl.
Who is a Total Slut. In the classic way. Not fussy just needs to get fucked. In case you're wondering, I never did her. And the story I'm going to tell you will tell you why I could supress the primal urge to pork.
I woke up one morning to the strong smell of kerosene wafting in clouds in the apartment. I found the source of the smell. It was the flatmate. She had washed her hair with kerosene. If I had lit a cigarette in the apartment, the whole place would have blown up. Naturally I enquired to the purpose of her dousing herself with a highly flammable liquid.
Lice, she said. Okay, maybe lice is embarassing enough but later I found out that the lice she had was Phthirius pubis, literally 'pubic louse' (from Greek φθειρ : louse).
She had crabs.
Fucking hell.
I dunno who she had been bonking but then again none of us could ever keep track anyway. He couldn't have been very clean so at least it was no one I knew.
I did get a front row seat once when two of my friends had her but that's another story. Maybe I should have told them about the crabs.
Gee, someones having fun :)
I started to really like your style of writing~
Had fun Nick. It was 8 years ago after all!
Thank you, it's nice that you do!
LOL...that was great!!
Yes, it has been confined to the memory vault archived under "Those Were The Days" in the folder "Looking Back With Fondness".
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