*Smacks forehead*
It's been nice having my mum around the past few days. We got to hang out and I took my mum to the good eating around my house. The main purpose of my mum's visit was to sew my curtains and help me move the little things over from the old house to the new one.
Somehow I just know. Even if nothings been said or hinted at, I just know she came across my porn, condoms and tube of KY Jelly ('stick of butter' is just an expression!) sometime while clearing stuff and putting stuff away.
If I have to look for a silver lining, my heterosexuality would be confirmed by the porn, my safety and health consciousness by the rubber sonkies but I just can't think of anything good to say about the KY. To my folks, and people of that generation, a little off-roading is unheard of and darn near unimaginable. Maybe I should try butter. It's messier but it's a household object that can never raise any suspicion.
Yeah. You'd be smacking your forehead as well about now.
All together now!
Instead of me smacking my own forehead, come come! I smack yours for you!! Kaka!
You're right about the silver lining...
But why didn't you clear them before she came? :/
Clearing house mate. Packing and putting away things. I don't think hiding them anywhere about the house was really safe. Honestly though, my mum's not nosy and very open minded.
But I know.... It's still terrible though....!
I am just glad that number suspicion no longer falls on this head *grin*
Look, you've already done the "wanting to frame your test results" bit.. I wouldn't have reckon there would be anymore forehead left to smack from then.
I know! I should blog about my test results....!
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