Beer, Ghosts and Rearview Mirrors
There is pretty much no doubt that I lead a very different life from most of my peers. I don't know whether it's conclusive evidence to tie one's lifestyle to choice of friends. There aren't many people who will be out on a Monday night having a booze up and if so, they might not have friends who are similarly so available.
Anyway, my friends and I ended up in Beach Club for a CNN night. CNN = Cheap N Nasty. We just boozed up and hit on a few women. For the hell of it really. None of us were really out on the hunt. I've never been appreciative of Sarong Party Girls. It did do me a world of good to overhear a girl telling *ahem* someone, "You pay cash, okay?!?". Well, anyone who's been to the Beach Club should know what the damn place is like.
The night ended with the three of us having some nosh in Bangsar. I have no idea how but the topic lead to ghosts and hauntings. Of the three of us, I'm the only one with no 'experience' and also the only one with no religion. Coincidence? I dunno. Really creepy though, the stories my friends have. Though they came to no harm for the experience. I'm quite sure they're not making things up but also I'm not quite sure what to believe either. I don't know about vibes and all that but I do know that when I was house hunting, I never ever went back to any house I didn't feel comfortable in. Needless to say, I settled on one I didn't just like but felt good in as well.
Well anyway, as a kid, Bob has had a ghost bang on the outhouse door while he was taking a dump. Lucky him. He also had the ghost of an Engineer at his former workplace sit in the back seat of his car. Seen through the rearview mirror. He drove on without ever looking at the mirror again.
Jayse has had a ghost follow him home before. His maid saw someone follow him into the house when no one did. The maid quit the next day after learning he came home alone. He also has an uncle who has been sleeping with the lights on for the last three decades after encountering 'something' in rural Sabah.
At night's end, I drove home feeling kinda creepy but defiantly looking into my rearview and side mirrors when I needed to. If I did see something that wasn't meant to be there, I have no idea what I'd have done. Probably drive straight home, get out of the car, never look back and get into the house. Where I can change my pants. I'd probably sell the car too.
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