Monday, June 04, 2007

8 and 6

I've just been tagged by Nick Phillips on 8 Random Facts about me.

I'd also been tagged by Barbsie on 6 Weird Facts about me.

Well, here are the 8 random facts of which at least 6 are weird:

1. I stopped growing when I was 14. It pissed me off no end.

2. I went for piano classes up to Grade 5. I gave up and taught myself to play guitar instead.

3. I can also play trumpet, trombone and their derivatives and variations.

4. I listen to heavy metal and operatic metal. I still prefer the old thrash or melodic style to the shit being passed off as metal nowadays.

5. I hate categorising music. (anyone spot the irony?)

6. I am very unhappy about current trends. (Hip hop, bling bling,
SPGs!, Paris Hilton)

7. I am divided about Astro. I am so pleased with the awareness created socially, environmentally, geographically, politically and historically. I am so afraid for children, adolescents and impressionable idiots in regards to MTV, Cartoon Network, E!.

8. I am very old school in my ways. Respect women, respect your elders, obedience and honesty from children.

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