The Shakes
I've got hypoglycemia.
The term hypoglycemia literally means "under-sweet blood". Hypoglycemia is a having a lower than normal amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Hypoglycemia can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in impairment of function . Derangements of function can range from vaguely "feeling bad" to coma, and potential brain damage or death.
I suppose I am thankful at the very worst, I feel a little funny. I sweat buckets and feel light headed. It sometimes hits a couple of hours after I play a particularly hard game of footy but not always. Naturally the harder I play, the worse it is, having lost more through sweat (and sometimes blood!). Never happens at any other time. I've been countering it by eating a Twix or a Snickers bar just before I play. I haven't had the shakes since. Not once.
It's kinda really really counter productive taking in that much sugar and calories when I'm supposed to be burning the calories instead. I've come to another solution.
No reason why it shouldn't work. I've never ever had Glucolin before. Not as a kid, not ever. I've a footy game tonight. I'll be very interested to see how well it works!
*wonderment* would you have the "shakes" after a night of marathon nocturnals? *grin*
Not sure whether that's blog material. For the record, so far, no.
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