Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Man

Sorry. I'm just really really angry.

What happened to the golden rule?

Treat people as you would like to be treated, don't treat people as you wouldn't want yourself to be treated, blah bleeping blah.

Everything now is always about the man. I'm the man. What can I get out of this. How does this benefit me. You owe me for this. Who cares about you, I'm talking about me.

It's all about the man. Doesn't matter if there was a penis or a vagina between the man's legs. It's all about the man.



What kind of messed up parents raised this current generation? I'm not an angel myself but I know honesty and I know decency. I actually rang my mum last night and told her I thought she and my dad did good raising me and my sister and giving us good values and morality. She was a little startled so I told her people out there, in and among us are moral vacuums.

If it were up to me, I'd take physical lesson to the tosser. Might make him think. It's never too late to learn. Does he really think friends sit around, see what's happening and do nothing?

What kind of idiot parents raised this generation? How messed up is the next one going to be? If I raise my kids right, wouldn't they then end up as fodder and victims for the next super generation of selfish self-centered lying cheating self-serving moral deviants? I should teach them to be the man themselves if only as a defensive weapon.

Fuck that

They are not going to do anything their mother will be a ashamed of and I will not discredit my own upbringing that way. I won't fail my kids the way so many other parents have.


If all else fails you can bet daddy's got the shotgun oiled and ready. I won't shoot the offending party. I'd shoot the offending party's mother and father for raising lousy kids. Pepper their asses with lead pellets. Then I'd chop off the re-pro-duc-tives of every male child they have with a rusty chinese chopping knife.


That's not the way I've been taught. Not the way I've been brought up. I'm not even supposed to think up shit like that.

What am I supposed to do? Scream at the sky?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There will always be those who think that they are "above the system".

Maybe their parents didn't raise them right. Maybe they just stepped out into the wrong shadows.

Maybe I should not speculate.

You're the better man for not splitting heads open, no matter how much you want you.

You're the better man for being dinner to mosquitoes while picking up the pieces of damage that was left by the man.

And because you can do all of that - You're not a MAN.

You're a PERSON. Somebody's PERSON.

Can you fault than that you're also the benchmark?