Thursday, June 07, 2007

Kitty Leather

Strange how things go. Just as soon as I had hit the Publish Post button for my last post....

Jingle jingle jingle....!

Bloody cat was walking across my front lawn. Right now, I'm on my front porch.

I threw a shoe at it.

That'll teach it to scare the crap out of me at three in the morning.


Jen said...

ugh. cats. the bane of the animal world. the cats in my neighbourhood sound like wailing children. frrreeaaakkyyyy..

Sen said...

I know exactly what you mean, Jen.

Anonymous said...

I advocate neutering and spaying all those stray kitties and neibours' kitties. For as long as they walk in to the territory, it should be tagged and neutered/spayed. Send them back as 2nd time eternal virgins and be more responsible kitties.

BUT... throwing a shoe helps too.

Sen said...

I throw shoes at the cats. You throw the whole cat! Though I haven't seen you do it in a while.

Janice said...

I like one cat named Kooki. Only one. The others gotta go. Yes, I'm bias.

Sen said...

Kooki?!? Now you're naming them??

It's not done!