You Mutha Fukka in the Kancil
Well, my last post seemed to be rather prophetic. Yesterday my friend Barbs was driving to work and came across two accident scenes around the Semantan area. At the second accident site, one of the cars was being towed to the side of the road. I think drivers are so cute. They harangue and swear while stuck in the bottleneck up to the incident then slow down and rubberneck while going past it. I hate you bastards. Anyway, the tow truck was at the time blocking the left two lanes. The rightmost lane was moving along at about 50km/h now. This one Kancil who was doing the Small Car Chop and Change chops into the rightmost lane, into moving traffic, causing the cars it's cut off to hit the anchors. What results is a three car end-to-end and the Kancil dashes away in the distance. Barbs was the third car in the melee. My little girl was in the backseat of the car. She's only 5 years old. I want to kill the cock smoker in the little bastard Kancil. I can only be really relieved that she was wearing her seatbelt. We've always insisted that the children wear their seatbelts no matter how short the drive. I am always amazed to see unrestrained children in cars.
Anyway, when Barbs and the other two drivers were exchanging details, there was a screech and a crash. All turned just in time to see a motorcycle sliding down the road and the rider rolling down the road behind it. When he stopped rolling, he sat up, with his back to traffic. That's when someone screamed, "TAXI!!!!!". There was a taxi bearing down on him. He took one look behind him and instantly curled up flat on the road. The taxi actually went over the top half of his body. He was saved by the anonymous lady who screamed, his quick reflexes and the fact that he's a small chap.
When I went out myself later that day, I came across two accidents and saw a near accident. Barbs is hurting on the right side of the face, head, arm, hip, buttock. Lydia's tummy is hurting from the seatbelt. Not that I'm blaming the seatbelt. If she was like your typical kid in a car, she would have been in the backseat, in the middle, unrestrained. Were she there she would have flown through the gap between the front seats and been stopped either by the center console or worse, the windscreen. I'm very angry that this happened to two people I love. The average stupid dumbfuck Malaysian driver only gives a damn about shaving a few seconds off his/her journey and is the most selfish moron while in control of a car.
I dare say this. I am a good driver. In every sense of the word 'good'. I drive, handle and control my car better than what would be considered competant. I am suitably curteous and considerate to other drivers. Think about it. Your husband/wife/children/parents/siblings/blah fucking blah, share the road with me. Similarly, people I know and care about, share the road with YOU. So, if I ever catch the driver of the Kancil, I am very willing to consider vigilante justice. I will kill you, whoever you are, with my bare hands.
Every Malaysian driver is a potential criminal (manslaughter, grevious bodily harm) with a weapon (a car, a truck, a 4WD, whatever). For God's sake. Wake up. Fellow human beings share the road.
I will play the kid factor card as well.
There are children in the vehicles around you.
Yesterday, the child in the accident happened to be mine.
Firstly, those MF's should rot in hell. Have their heads proped up on poles for all to see.
Secondly, kudos to you for expressing yourself in more than one way in this particular blog entry. Shows there's more to what it is and more good things to come.
Every day I learn something new about you. Well, I'll help you finish off whatever that's left of the MF when you're all tired out. Afterall, I had to drive a Datsun 120Y becos of the stupid prick! And I still dare not go down Jalan Semantan! %&*W$&*%&$*(%&$*(%&
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