Saturday, May 12, 2007


I've been put to shame by Erin. More or less. This is the text which fueled her ire especially the bits in bold text.

"In Australia (and "developed" nations), there are those that don’t work and are not bothered to work because they can draw unemployment benefits. There are 3rd world nations who greedily absorb foreign aid when they should be using foreign aid to help themselves in the form of working towards self sustenance. Most of the money raised to assist famine in Africa, especially Ethiopia, was spent on weapons and absorbed by the fat cats.


In the event of privileges two things happen. One is that some of the privileged class takes full positive advantage and uses the benefits to get really get moving. On the other side, the others in the privileged class sits on their asses, mooch about and rabbit it because they don’t have to compete but sit back and reap the benefits anyway. There’s a lot of grey area in between but I had to elaborate on the extremes.

Those who have to fight and work for everything know how to shut up and bend over because 1. They can still make a good living; and 2. They need to maintain and cultivate the farce of an environment in which to make a good living.

DON’T reply this comment. Delete it if you wish. I’ve been wanting to spill all that before but didn’t have the cojones to do it on my own blog.

But please visit me in Ka-munting. I would like a toothbrush please."

She had her say about it in a posting. And I did reply, again in a comment to the posting. The age gap? Eleven years I think. Think she's she same age as Sher May, Kevin and the old Ironwood gang. I wonder what they think? Sher May would have her head too high in the clouds, I would know, we were an item once. Whether or not anything has changed since isn't a matter. She's good at being happy. Kevin has been away in Oz but perhaps Ravi could come to an opinion. Then again, Ravi would probably just take the most rebellious stance just for the sake of it. Anyway:

"I don’t exactly fear posting politics on my blog. I just wanted to use the word ‘cojones’ :)

For me, it’s just not worth opening up this can of worms. It might snowball. Not likely but I didn’t want to be the catalyst.

“2. They need to maintain and cultivate the farce of an environment in which to make a good living.”

With the ignorance factor and pomposity everyone detected when the pollies had their own rant on Malaysian bloggers, it’s just not worth it.

My mentioning ISA might be for amusement but fact is I personally know someone who spent time in Kamunting and I know human rights people who try to help ‘guests’ there.

But I wouldn’t worry too much about being arrested in the coffee shops. I’d already be in the slammer!

I’m not being condescending nor would I patronize you and I don’t know it all. I do think it’s a good thing that your generation is taking interest and isn’t content with the inner workings and the truth. The dissatisfaction you feel, to me, is a healthy indication that young adults are still bright and refuse to have the wool pulled over their eyes.

With the chains of power so long in place, change might just require no less than revolution. My generation is content to avoid such a situation. There is a good reason why. A revolution may just occur from within. What frightens me is that I personally think that the non-privileged classes will have if worse if it is successful. Which is why we tolerate the present situation.

One day we should sit down and risk arrest ;) but I’d also be content if the conversation was about something else."

The strange thing is that we were probably writing at the same time. While I was writing Esque, she was writing This is becoming a serious issue. Strange, considering how Esque reads.

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