Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Workin' life

Haven't blogged in a while.

Up to my neck in paperwork, quotations, catalogues, samples, phone calls and coffee.

Workin' hard for tha money.

In about 2 weeks I think I'll be wondering what to do with myself again.

I think some gardening is on the cards and I can finally finish the short story that I've been writing since 2 weeks ago.

Sounds like a plan.


Anonymous said...

Ditto here!

Working life (due to internships) has sucked up so much of my energy, to an extent that I no longer have the motivation to do anything else. :(

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Enjoy the work while its there. Boredom can be a bloody killer!

Sen said...

Hey Brenda, I read about your internship in your blog. Not much 'me' time in a working life! When I get home all I want to do is shower, eat, chill out and sleep. On weekends I spend so much 'me' time that I missed out on during the weekdays that I neglect my house, car and garden. It's a viscous cycle!

If only there was such a thing as a 10 to 2 instead of a 9 to 5, Nick. There probably is but I don't know what it is. My self employment is work maybe once or twice a month. The rest of the time I watch the grass grow and feel useless. Which is why I'm here workin' the 9 to 5. Of course the double pay is good too...!