Saturday, December 02, 2006

Janice's Nipples

Ah hah! First person to bite! From the Nipples posting! Well no. Not really. Janice is a buddy and (I hope) regular reader. She left this comment:

"Janice said...

Male or female nipples? I like male nipples. I have also heard the Asian female nipples are larger than Guilow female nipples. Men also get a kick from having their nipples *ahem-ed*.

Sorry, in a nipply mood :D"
Since I like Janice heaps, I shall respond to her comment in a posting rather than a counter comment, which is what I had originally started to do before deciding to honour her. I've even named the posting after her.

Well Janice, I'm primarily and exclusively interested in female nipples and what they are attached to. About nipple size, circumference, shape and colour, I don't really think it's a race thing. It's more an individual thing. I think I've been up close and personal with enough of them and from an adequate variety of nationalities to confirm that. The general rule is, that nipples should be darker than skin colour. Remember that one. It's another one of my master strokes of genius.

What is *ahem-ed*? Bitten? Burnt? Twisted? Kicked? Pinched? Jeezuz. Poor Victor. Or is that why he's gonna propose? Hahaha!!

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