Friday, December 01, 2006

Nipples Nipples Nipples!!!

I just had a look at my blog statistics on statcounter. The most popular page is the blog posting titled Upper Class Nipples. It wasn't even about sex or nudity for that mattter! Some visitors came from a blog search of the word 'nipple' or 'nipples'. My stats just after the posting shot up significantly. No doubt this posting will create its own spike in site visitors. With a title like Nipples!!! x 3, I'll have people flocking to my blog once again. I think it's funny but at the same time not very good cos it creates the false spike which means only half the people (or less) are actually reading what I write.


Well, I guess it can be understood. People like a background to their fantasies. No doubt blogs about an active sex life are extremely popular as there is the realism factor involved. That's why reality shows are so popular. Thems real peoples with real names and not acting. I'd bet a female exhibitionist blog would be even more popular. Well, until the blogger realises that there's money to be made as an amateur website. Unless the blogger is a pure blogger of course.


I'm expecting another huge statistical spike from this posting. So, before I sign off, I've just one last thing to say. Yeh, no prizes for guessing....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Male or female nipples? I like male nipples. I have also heard the Asian female nipples are larger than Guilow female nipples. Men also get a kick from having their nipples *ahem-ed*.

Sorry, in a nipply mood :D