Friday, December 01, 2006

Subway Ninjas

Be very very careful in Singapore. There are ninjas living amongst the other everyday Singaporeans. I've discovered a very sophisticated method of detecting them. I was riding the MRT (train) back to Clementi when I noticed not 5 feet away from me was one of these cold blooded professional assassins. He appeared to be playing a game on his mobile phone complete with the ear phones.

That's what he wants people to think.

It's actually a state-of-the-art communicator. (Okay, it's a cell phone.) He's actually listening to instructions from his clan while pretending to be playing the game.

Throughout the journey, he's standing in a moving train with both hands on the phone, and never once lost his balance or had to take a step or shuffle his feet to regain some balance. Perfectly balanced the entire journey.

I kept well away. With my imperfect balance and constant correction to stay upright I didn't want to step on his foot or bump into him or something like that.

That's asking for a shuriken up the ass.

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