Thursday, December 14, 2006

Why yes, I do read

I received a message on friendster sometime back:

> Hi ya
> Read your profile. Kind of intriguing... since I rarely meet guys who read much.

What sort of age have we arrived at if male book readers are rare and at a premium? Note surreptitious wink here.

I did answer and I thought I'd post my answer here:

Hullo,Nice of you to write me. Your prolfile says you're 86 years old. You look remarkably good for one at that age. What's your secret?

I'm teasing. Why your age is significant to answering your message will be apparent as we go along.

I'm already 32 and at an age where there are huge gaps and differences with those younger than myself.I grew up when there were only 2 channels on TV never mind dedicated viewing channels. I didn't watch much TV as a result. Also in my teens I was restricted to a one hour show a week limitation by my parents. It did ensure I wasn't glued to the TV the whole day. I was usually looking for something to do.

There was no Astro. There were no playstations nor x-boxes. No cell phones. The emphasis on entertainment and amusement for children back then was more pure, more physical and more interactive on a personal level. I hung out with the neighbourhood kids and played football, rode bicycles and played many other games, a lot of it improvised.I did grow up surrounded by books. I really mean a lot of books. More than a hundred Enid Blyton books, the entire Peter and Jane series and other assorted books. My parents' books, which I was to progress to, numbered in the hundreds. Authors like Gerald Durrell, James Herriot, Roald Dahl, P.G. Wodehouse, James Joyce, J.R.R. Tolkien to name a few, are not to be sneezed at. I left my mother's Mills and Boons alone though. They were horrible little things and never racy enough.

That I have grown up to be pierced and tattooed, rock and metal loving guitar player, OTT footballer and porn connoisseur does not surprise me. I was heading that way throughout my formative years. I do however have a foundation of being brought up in a cultured environment. Music, art, books, nature.

So yeah, I read a lot.

- Sen

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