Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Comment: Domain Name

"Miracle has left a new comment on your post "My Domain Name":

I'm currently using Interunix.

I don't know if they offer what you're looking for, but you can check it out."

Thanks Erin.

See for yourself. Click here: interunix webhosting

Just an option for you guys out there who are thinking about taking your blogs a step further. Wish I knew about it.

I'm wondering what to do next with my newly acquired domain name. I was even thinking of transfering it over to to another company now. But that would mean paying twice for the same thing. If I pay eternalsolutions it will be a difference of 4 Ringgit in the end. It's a matter of principle. I had expected to pay just RM35 instead of over 50 bucks which I'm going to have to do now. I'll cough up the RM24. Next year, I will transfer the domain name to another company. I will also never recommend eternalsolutions to anyone and if asked, I will share my experiences and point people to their competitors.

You reap what you sow.

Well, enough bitchin' from me. I own a domain name. I'm happy about it.

Coming soon to a web browser near you!

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