Thursday, April 12, 2007

Secure Unsecure

I have a headache. I got hold of a wireless firewall and configuring the thing has been really easy and subsequently, headache inducing.

Connecting it was easy. Nice strong signal, fast data transfer and no fuss configuration. The bugger of a bastard thing though won't co-operate and be secured. Whatever it is, it won't let me use encryption. Using the WEP key, I'd get only a limited connection. I did remember specify the default key too. Don't think I've got a free access point for all and sundry to use though. I've configured the thing to only accept trusted computers and not to broadcast its SSID.

Fighting with computer hardware used to end in defeat for whatever I was fighting with. I'm just not the IT savvy tech grunt I once was.... sigh.

Nowadays, the new generation of hi-tech kids could configure the wireless firewall easily and without blood and tears. So tell me, what do you young 'uns think I did wrong or didn't do right?


Rycerain said...

bang ur head on the wall.
It cures headaches...
coz u'll be more focused on the greater pain u caused urself ^^

jz kidding~
just to make u feel better, i'm a computer idiot anyway, the only term i understand in ur post was 'firewall' :P

Anonymous said...

At least you got past the stage of configuring it. I'd just stare at the wires. If all fails, will go hunt for a free wifi thingamagic that doesn't cause more headaches.

Sen said...

Grace, if you are old, what does that make me? Ancient? LOL!

Is ok, rycerain. I have no excuse. I used to be in the IT industry as a hardware and projects specialist. I even have Microsoft certification. God, I feel dirty!

No worries Janice. It's up and running. It only connects computers it recognises and won't show up on wireless network searches. I just can't get it to run secure is all. Good news. There's a good signal anywhere in the house.