Here We Go Again
The Dawson shootings last year sparked me to write the blog posting below in my old blog. I figured it was only a matter of time before I would post it here. The Virginia Tech Massacre is what happened. Yay! By now don't you think Americans would possibly agree that maybe it's a not such a great idea to have all them shootin' irons. You could probably buy 'em from Kmart!
September 14, 2006
It's Never Going to End
Well, it's happened again. Some looney/dumbass/spaced out clown has armed himself and shot up a school. Yesterday in downtown Montreal, some looney put on the uniform of a looney, a black trenchcoat. The death count stands at one for now. There are those that are seriously injured and may not survive their injuries.
First, there's the trenchcoat. What is with these loonies that they have to put one on before they carry out such lunacy? They way I see it, these dumb bastards put on a trenchcoat like I turn on my Playstation. Yeah! There's killin' to be done! What kind of reality do these people live in?
"Hey Goober! Let's go blast some fools like how we done in Grand Theft Auto!"
"Sure Buford! My cousin Sally done bought me a shotgun for christmas!"
Now, the two lines above itself is a stereotype and a misconception. There are three points to consider. Firstly, you don't have to be a redneck. That's your TV rednecks up there. The majority of these jackasses are young white boys from middle class families. Secondly, anyone brought up right by mum and dad can differentiate between reality and a video game. The third point I'm going to make is, that sadly, guns are that easy to come by if you happen to live in North America.
Robyn Anderson bought the Columbine High shooters their weapons in a straw purchase. The two 17 year olds were too young to buy guns. Robyn, then 18, bought them a rifle and two shotguns by showing the dealer her driver's license proving she was indeed over 18. Now get this, the two piss pots were with this dumb bunny in the gun shop and doing all the looking and asking of the questions. Doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out who the guns are for. Oh yeh, and there was the Tec-9 semi-auto handgun which was sold to one of the numbnuts by Mark Manes who was a friend of the looneys.
What I'm lamenting on is how easily firearms are obtained. Take another situation into account. Nathan Ferris was an overweight 12 year old boy subject to constant bullying in school. The last time he was humiliated in front of his classmates was really the last time. He pulled out a pistol, shot his tormentor and then turned the gun on himself. Shocked? 12 years old that one. Then take Dedrick Owens who took a semi-auto pistol from his uncle's house and brought it to school to show off. He pulled the gun from his pants, yelled "I don't like you Kayla!" and shot 6 year old Kayla Rolland in the neck. She died half an hour later. Dedrick Owens was also 6 years old.
Often enough a kid blasts away in a school as a result of humiliation and bullying. Like Nathan Ferris, Michael Carneal was frequently bullied and had his name published in the school paper claiming he had homosexual crush on another student. Which didn't exactly improve matters for him. He brought a handgun, two rifles and two shotguns to school and fired shots indiscriminately. He surrendered when he saw one of the fallen was a friend of his. He was 14. He is currently serving 3 life sentences and 120 years.
Which brings me back to christmas. Brenda Spencer was 17 when she opened fire at a school causing death and injury. The rifle she used was one of her christmas presents.
All these events just skim the surface. I have no idea what it's like living where there are metal detectors at schools. Not that it always helps. A security guard was killed manning the metal detector at a school when it went beep! for a very good reason.
You know what's brilliantly disgusting though? Jake Ryker, who was already wounded, tackled his shooter, a 16 year old, and held him up enough for more people to come hold down this adolescent looney. The gun crazy National Rifle Association cited as Jake Ryker as "an example of NRA training put to good use." That's not quite accurate. If Ryker had been indeed trained by the NRA, he'd have brought out his own gun and blasted back. Or joined in the fun and games.
Let me give you a quote: The National Rifle Association, or NRA, is a group for the promotion of marksmanship, firearm safety, and the protection of hunting and personal protection firearm rights in the United States, established in New York in 1871 as the American Rifle Association. It sponsors firearm safety training courses, as well as marksmanship events featuring shooting skills and sports. The NRA is sometimes said to be the single most powerful non-profit organization in the United States. It is the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the U.S., considering gun ownership a civil right protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Also allow me to debunk that with one single fact. Actor Charlton Heston, a promoter of the NRA agenda was presented a presentation rifle at a NRA convention in 2000. He held the rilfe aloft over his head and declared loudly, using years of acting experience for maximum effect, "They'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands!" Well done Charlton. In my opinion you're just another fucking looney but was lucky enough to have the luxury of carrying out your gun-toting fantasies in the movie business. Charlton probably went back to his trailer and masturbated after filming gun fights. And in that one sentence Chuckie pretty much described the NRA to the rest of the world.
Here are your gun looneys in the U.S.:
National Rilfe Association
Gun Owners of America
Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership
Pink Pistols
Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Sisters
Citizens for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Liberty Belles
Law Enforcement Alliance of America
I have to give you a few interesting facts about the Pink Pistols. It's a gay gun group. Their mottos are "Armed gays don't get bashed" and "Pick on someone your own caliber." To be a member you can either be LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) or own a gun. You don't have to satisfy both conditions. I would like to elaborate on the Pink Pistols but I can't. You can only swim in so much shit. Whether the shit's packed or not, I don't know. I think the mottos say it all.
U.S. pro-gun control groups are:
American Hunters and Shooters Asoociation
Americans for Democratic Attention
Americans for Gun Safety Foundation
Brady Campaign
Brady Centre to Prevent Gun Violence
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
League of Women Voters
Here's a few bits of info on the Brady Centre. Lead by James and Sarah Brady. James Brady was shot and permanently crippled by John Hinckley in 1981 during the attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan during his presidency. In 2000, controversy surrounded wife Sarah over a straw purchase when she bought James Brady Jr. a rifle for Christmas. Yay! Christmas again! The rifle fires .30-06 bullets. You bring down moose and elk with those fuckers.
I think I'm going to stop here as it's never going to end.
Let me declare my own opinions over the matter. I'm don't give a rat's ass about pro-gun or gun control and all that shit. That's their fucking problem over there. Here in Malaysia, who cares? You can be in possession of a gun without bullets or bullets without a gun and get into a heap of trouble. You could have a replica gun and get in trouble. You don't have to worry a lot in this country about being shot. It's not likely to happen. It can. But not likely. What I am against though is stupidity. Which is what all this gun shit is anyway. A lot of stupidity with no solution in sight.
The current popular culture does nothing to help. Violence is glorified in media. True life events are dramaticised by the media. Using words like horrific, siege, drama, massacre, perpetrator, conspiracy, suspect, tragedy. You only encourage the stupid fuckers. They want to go out with a bang. Songs written about the events imortalise it and the dumb fucks at the same time. Their names and/or faces become part of popular culture. Metallica's "Ronnie" and Boomtown Rats "I Don't Like Mondays" are prime examples. I love Metallica but that was fucking misinformed. Thanks for saving lots of starving Africans Bob but that was still pretty damned idiotic. The next bunch of losers might commit murder so their favourite bands write songs about them. Time magazine traces their life history. Don't get it? Next time try a news report like this:
"Two dumb bastards with mental and social issues stole guns out of daddy's closet and brought said guns to school in a pathetic attempt to feel superior. No one gives a shit who they are because they're not worth remembering and we don't want to encourage other stupid looneys out there who might do this shit in our town next. They both shot themselves in the end which was the only smart thing they did in their sad sorry lives cos there were a lot of people waiting outside for any form of revenge. Dumbfuck #1 was a sad loner who nobody wanted to be friends with. Dumbfuck #2 liked the way Dumbfuck #1 smelt so tolerated him. Police tossed the looneys' bodies into the nearest crocodile infested lake. Their parents made no attempt to recover the carcasses."
As I was saying, our popular culture does no good. Violence is glorified. Wealth is glorified. Looks are glorified. Popularity is glorified. Athletic ability is glorified. Drugs are glorified. Promiscuousity is glorified. Gansterism is glorified. Materialism is glorified. Did I mention guns? Guns are glorified. Hey, it's the American way!
The world's overpopulated anyway. Let the fuckers in countries with gun issues kill each other. We can refer to it in the future as culling of human beings in predominantly stupid countries/continents. We will then forget the innocent, the victims, the maimed, the dead, the ruined lives and all the mental and physical pain ever suffered.
very very well said. mmm.. this is something to ponder on. and yes, i do wonder why do they keep practically handing kids the tools that they need to hurt other people with.
Americans think that legalizing firearms among civilians is all part of being a civilized and developed nation.
And look how well that turned out to be!
Some random dipshit goes around gunning everyone down just because he's stressed out
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