Saturday, April 28, 2007


You must excuse me for the lack of postings and the utter ups and downs of my mood these days. I've reached another crossroad in my life and it's a while in sorting out.

The first real step came today when I went to the first job interview I've been to in six years. Someone's earned a dinner. It's not real work as in 9 to 5 but part time. Still it'll allow me to utilise the ol' noggin for proper use and it'll give me some focus.

My current job is so easy I could get a trained monkey to take my place. Well, it's easy for me anyway. I'm rather good at the careers equivalent of a jigsaw. And not to belittle it too much, that's why I specified a trained monkey rather than a plain ordinary everyday monkey.

Ook ook.

Focus is good for another step I want to take and that's going back to school. I've got my eye on a degree in Interior Design but at my age, I have to be really sure it's what I want to do. I went to KDU on Friday to make some enquiries and walked in amongst the college kiddies. Let me tell you, I really felt out of place. I was already in secondary school when some of these kids were just a glint in daddy's eye.

While some of these kids are straining (trying too hard) to break into adulthood, I've never lost my youthfulness. If anything, it'll be quite an interesting cultural experience for me.

Possibly coming to a college near you. Stay tuned.


Grace Koh said...

Going back to school sounds fun to me! :) Interior design...interesting. It was one of the things I dreamt of studying because I love looking at beautiful houses, buildings. But then I ended up with another degree.

Sen said...

I'm not so sure about the fun bit cos I really felt out of place with all them young 'uns around! I love looking at lovely homes as well. It would be really cool if armed with this degree, I could make them a wee bit lovelier. Then again, having to conform to clients' tastes. Have a look at the houses in Tropicana. Money does not by taste!