Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Anonymous said...

Uh... was it me who was blur.. or did you just change to your own dotcom? Coz I am extremely sleepy and always blur... But given that it's your last post on the blogspot site (I did some checking)...


Sewjin said...

not a big fan of template changing, huh?

Sen said...

Thank you Erin!

Well, yer right Ben. I should. Working on it. Just don't know when it'll be ready!

Unknown said...

It be looking very much like a "ctlr C" "Ctlr V"!

Anonymous said...

Harlo! Congratulations on a new domain!

Grace Koh said...

Congratulations...and Celebrations!!! And I can see it's without a hyphen -

Sen said...

Hyphens are baaaaad....! LOL!