Social Ills
What is socially acceptable? Through media (I blame Astro here) belching is becoming not such a heinous crime these days. It is still considered a social ill though dependent on setting. Breaking wind is not so much a social crime than it is potentially embarrassing since it is sometimes announced with quite a dignity-shattering sound. It is interesting to note which people find more offensive, the potentially bad smell or the fact that they're taking in to their lungs air which has been expelled by someone else's internal systems. Take note, in such acts like fellatio and cunnilingus and even kissing, socially worse things are ingested.
Why is the smell offensive? Why is the sound so humour inducing? Why is such a natural act embarrassing? Are we blaming Queen Victoria again?
Nothing though, is as pathetic as farting in the office when your colleague's in the other room, realising that there's a odorous by-product and attempting to breathe it away using your own lungs as a filter just so's she might not notice.
I mean, c'mon! It's just a fart!
What happened to Stairway Symphony No. 12?
Thank god I am not in the office today!
I'm sure they don't mean to uh belch on purpose as it's rather embarassing. I guess we should just hold our breath or steer clear of them.
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