Lazy Bugger
Yep. I admit I'm a lazy bugger. I actually started off writing a posting about what the effects and consequences would be if the Axis countries (Germany, Japan and Italy) had triumphed over the Allied Forces in World War II? The world as we know it would be very very different than it is now.
I ended up writing the posting about Paris Hilton (below this one) instead.
Anyway, about the Axis winning.... The world would be split into two. The Japanese side and the German side. They might have had the same enemies during the war but they had very different ideals. There would definately be no Israel. There would be breeding programs on one side to produce blond haired blue eyed people for the Mighty Aryan race. The other side would have a age of consent of about 10 years old.
Well, you get the drift. Over here in Malaysia we'd be speaking Japanese and bowing to the Japanese flag. Occasionally we'll have a friend/relative/acquaintance beheaded or raped. It'd be life as usual. And Chin Peng would be a hero not a villain.
Italy? Italy would be relocated to Antartica. Everyone knows that they threw their lot in with the Axis because they wanted to be on the winning side. They wouldn't have an ounce of respect from either Germany or Japan.
Also imagine that after the surrender of both Germany and Japan, the Allied Forces then turned on Russia. Perhaps then instead of the cold war of years past, I could then be driving a Honda and have a Sony mobile phone like it has turned out to be with the military sanctions on Japan. The difference might be I'd have a Zhivinski laptop and a Viktor 2 game console. Perhaps my neighbour would be driving the latest and very desirable Stravoski SR21 sports car. There wouldn't have been any goddam cold war but you can bet your ass that some things wouldn't be right with the world either.
It's taken an infinite amount of time, coincidences and occurrences that YOU even exist. Think about this planet, evolution and your ancestors. And you live in this world is as it is today. Think about history. In fact, just think once in a while.
Oh yeh. I was saying I was a lazy bugger. Which is why I wrote about Paris Hilton (a no brainer post) instead of what the world would be like if the Axis countries won World War II.